Want to know why visitors shy away from purchasing from your site? Well, there is no use of driving traffic to your site if your design puts off people. Your Website Design is the first impression but not the only one factor that shy away your visitors. Best Website Designing Company in India creates a website that really converts visitors into customers. Designs created by such types of companies are often trusted and appreciated by most of the peoples. Here are some of the reasons that are stopping people to purchase from your website.
1- Boring Content
People usually don’t span enough time on a particular website. Once they scans a site for few seconds and take decision instantly whether to continue with the scanned site or visit another website. So, it is essential that you website must contain eye catching content that makes users to stay maximum and continue their purchasing decision without keeping any doubt in their mind. Remember to update your content frequently to keep it relevant and fresh.
2- Unresponsive Website
Is your site is not mobile-friendly? If people find it difficult to view, browse and navigate your site on mobile gadgets then definitely they will move to your competitors website. Most of the people shop online via mobile devices nowadays. Therefore for every ecommerce business it is prominent that they should get a responsive website from the top Responsive Website Designing Company in Delhi which offers a great viewing experience across all devices. Ensure that your website loading time is fast, and has less scrolling along with a click to call functionality.
3- Not Having a Clear CTA
Customers need an easy accessibility when they visit a website. So, for this purpose you need to guide customers what you want them to do next. You must place a clear and precise Call-to-Action button above the fold, to enable them to take action that you want. It could be anything like a consultation booking for buying a product or service. Always make it clear and visible. This Call-to-Action(CTA) helps you in getting the contact information and in this way you can follow up that customers later also and can turn visitors into customers.
4- Your Internal Linking and Navigation Not Structured Properly
If your site internal linking and navigation is not structured properly then it becomes difficult for visitors to find for what they are actually looking for and if it will take time to find the things then they get frustrated easily.
So, it is advised to keep your website navigation simple and link properly your internal website pages to make easy for customers to navigate and jump to the pages they want on your site.