There are lots of things that an average website can improvise on from unattractive website pages to poor content navigation and numerous errors. Top Website Designing Companies in Delhi are giving their best possible inputs and making deep efforts to give your website an absolute professional look along with that wow factor that creates a great impression of your website on users. But before building a positive impact on your business among others you need to know some common web design mistakes that can ruin your dream. Check out the below-mentioned web design mistakes and don’t let them become a hurdle in your success path.
1- Competing Links and Categories
When users are not able to discriminate between similar navigational links or categories, they find it difficult to find the right path to content. So ensure that link and category should make sense on their own and coordinate with other options on the site. So make it easy for users to address particular information instead of exploring each section or pages.
In order to avoid overlapping category names, you can use card sorting and usability testing. Even if you have the poor content strategy then also this problem of too similar links can arise. The two main causes for competing links and categories are as follows:
Poor labeling: If your links lead to different content, but unfortunately, they have similar labels. In that case, rename your links to make them different.
Poor content differentiation: If your site has relevant links to different pages then there is no need to rename the links but you there is a need to evaluate and integrate the content.
2- Scrolling Text, Marquees, and Constantly Running Animations
Avoid using those page elements that move constantly. As moving objects such as text or images on your website may have an overpowering effect on the human peripheral vision. Web pages of your site should not give an unpleasant experience to the user. Give some peace and time your site visitors so that they can read the text actually.
Obviously, <BLINK> is simply evil. Rightly said.
3- Long Scrolling Pages
While opening a page only 10% of users scroll down more besides the screen visibility. Try to place all important navigation options and crucial content on the top part of the page. Although it is not necessary as now users are more willing to scroll on the web comparatively. But still, it is advisable to go with minimizing scrolling on navigation pages.
4- Not Keeping a Website Updated
With the new technical advancement, the risk of cybersecurity has also opened up. The need of this modern era is to keep your site plugins and themes fully updated to ensure that every entry point is protected on your domain. Moreover, many popular sites including WordPress if configured properly can auto-update it.
You can also install a real-time protection such as Wordfence or iThemes security along with a CAPTCHA option to get rid of automated attacks and rise up with a solid website security. Also, emphasize that administrative access users use secure passwords and change them regularly.
5- Fixed Font Size
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) provide websites the authority to disable a Web browser’s “change font size” button for a fixed font size. This fixed font size is almost very small which offers a lower readability to most of the people especially to the over aged people.
Consider and take care of user’s preferences and let them resize text as per their suitability. You can also, specify font sizes relevantly but not as a definite number of pixels.
If you are looking for the best website designing company in India then we are here to help you out by delivering the perfect web design parallel to all your needs and demands. OGEN is the best Website Development Company in Delhi that assures a fully customized web design to build a better future for your business.