A responsive website is an approach to respond the users in the way exactly they want. Whatever screen size, platform or orientation you may have, a responsive web design meets all your needs. Responsive website has various benefits. But today we will see how it is beneficial for the SEO of a website. Even the top SEO Company in Delhi suggests having a responsive web design for getting higher ranking on the Google. Here is how responsive website beneficial for your SEO purpose.
1- Faster Page Loading
Page speed determines how quickly your page content of the site loads. Search engines considered speed of the website as an important factor to rank pages. Besides, offering great user experience, quicker page loading increase ranking on search engine results. A responsive website loads faster on all devices giving a better user experience and enhancing website ranking on the Google.
2- Improved Site Usability
If your website has a poor navigation, then users might not stick around your website. A responsive website has better navigation and enhances readability. This gives improved site usability and make sure that user spends time on the website. Time on page is noticed by the search engines as a basic index of the value of a website. A good score ensures to gain the repeat visitors and conversions. Responsive website is necessary to provide the better user experience and is also important for ranking higher on the search engine results.
3- Reduced Bounce Rate
Bounce rate matters when it comes to search engine optimization. It has a negative impact on the ranking of your website. If more people are leaving your website or not spending enough time that means they are not impressed by the content of your website. Content is not the factor at all the times, sometimes it’s the design that drives away users from your website. But a responsive web design offers the users something interesting that captures their attention. Thus a responsive website not only decreases bounce rate of your website but also helpful in increasing your site ranking on the search engine.
4- Minimal Duplicate Content
A separate website for desktop and for mobile uses a separate URL. But the content is same for both the desktop and mobile website. This duplication in your site content can affect your website ranking. Search engine gives priority to the sites which have unique and original piece of content. If your site has the same content for the desktop users as well as for the mobile users then it would become a drawback for you. You may have lower positioning on the search engine results. A responsive web design allows you to have a single website for both the mobile and desktop users. So having a responsive website is useful in your SEO.
5- Improved Social Sharing
A responsive website makes it easy for you to share your content on the various social media platforms using mobile. Social sharing helps you to connect with your target audience and increases traffic to your website. This will let users to search more about your website and ultimately you will get notice by the search engines. If you don’t have a responsive web design then it will be difficult for you to engage with your potential customers and increase your site ranking.
So these are the five reasons to go responsive. Besides contributing to SEO, if you want PPC services then contact the best PPC Service in Delhi.